Freedom from the 1 Peter 2:4 Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious

Freedom from the Spirit of Rejection

Understanding the entrance for the spirit of rejection

Rejection often begins in the earliest stages of life, even in the womb. The most common entry point for the spirit of rejection is during childhood, especially when a child is unwanted. Satan, always seeking vulnerability, attacks individuals during their weakest moments. Just as John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit before birth (Luke 1:15), Satan seeks to counterfeit this by planting a demon of rejection before birth.

Adopted children, in particular, are susceptible to rejection, as they may experience emotional openings for such spirits. Rejection is often referred to as a three-headed monster, manifesting as the spirit of rejection, fear of rejection, and self-rejection.

"For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink. He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb."
- Luke 1:15

The Impact of Self-Rejection

Self-rejection is characterized by an inability to give or receive love. Individuals affected by this demon often fear close relationships, anticipating further emotional harm. The fear of rejection isolates them, leading to a cycle of self-rejection and torment. These individuals may begin to believe something is inherently wrong with them, leading to self-hatred.

How it manifests physically

Self-rejection, self-hatred, shame, insecurity, and identity issues are at the heart of depression, weight issues, and many forms of physical disease.

Did you know that things such as diabetes, addictions, migraines, lupus, MS, and many forms of stomach and digestive system disorders such as Crohn’s disease and other physical issues have been traced back to spiritually rooted issues? It’s true. If you would like to learn more, look into Dr MK Strydom.

Issues such as self-rejection, self-hatred, and inner emotional conflict all contribute to them. Every addiction is tied to a direct connection with a need to feel loved. Even homosexuality is directly related to a need to feel loved and accepted, but the need is filed with an illegitimate means.

The root of rejection comes most often from a lack of parental love, acceptance and validation. The good news is, even when that is lacking from a natural parent, we have a heavenly Father that can fill that emptiness and fulfill that deep longing. The void in our hearts is designed by our Creator to be filled with Himself. Without Him, we are lost.

When a person does not feel loved, they begin to reject themselves. Rejection of self and a failure to love oneself wreaks havoc on our bodies.

Many physical illnesses and disease have their roots in spirits of self-rejection, self-hatred, guilt, low self-esteem issues and other negative self-talk that comes from a spirit of rejection, abandonment and lack of fatherly/parental love.

When a person attacks themselves through self-hatred and self-rejection, the body eventually begins to come into agreement with what is going on spiritually and begins to attack itself. This is where a lot of autoimmune disease comes from. When a person doesn’t love themselves, the body comes into agreement with a spirit of infirmity which then begins to manifest the poison of a person’s words.

The person has spoken words of agreement with a spirit of death rather than life. They have rejected what God has said about them which brings them into agreement with unbelief rather than faith. The longer it continues, the more fear, anxiety, illness and other spirits grow stronger, eventually weakening a person so much they often cannot recover. Repentance and breaking agreement with those negative words are the only way to turn the situation around so that the body can begin to heal.

Characteristics of Rejection

The spirit of rejection manifests in various ways, affecting a person’s spiritual, emotional, and relational well-being. Some key traits include:

  • Hunger for Power: Seeking control in work, family, or ministry as a means of acceptance.
  • Religious Ambition: Overachieving, perfectionism, and striving for recognition.
  • Fear of Vulnerability: Avoiding emotional closeness to prevent further rejection.
  • Emotional Roller Coaster: Inconsistent spiritual life, fluctuating between highs and lows.
  • Self-Justification: Taking criticism as a personal rejection.
  • Inability to Accept God’s Love: Feeling unloved by God due to a mental cloud of rejection.
  • Seeking Love in All the Wrong Places: Searching for validation through adultery, fornication, or other sinful actions.
  • Unforgiveness and Bitterness: Holding onto past hurts, leading to anger, hatred, and even a Jezebel spirit of control.

Rejection and Its Spiritual Curses

Rejection opens the door to many curses. However, the Bible reassures us that God never rejects anyone who does not persist in rejecting Him (1 Samuel 8:7; 10:19; 15:23). Even Jesus, who was despised and rejected by man (Isaiah 53:3), did not escape rejection. Yet, He responded with forgiveness, demonstrating the power of love over rejection.

Rejection seduces individuals into seeking fulfillment through unhealthy means—whether through work, relationships, or sinful behaviors like substance abuse and witchcraft. These coping mechanisms are attempts to fill the void left by rejection, but only God’s love can truly heal it.

"He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him."
- Isaiah 53:3

Prayer to Renounce the Spirit of Rejection

Prayer is essential for breaking the strongholds of rejection. Here is a powerful prayer to renounce the spirit of rejection:

Lord, I come before you to renounce rejection and its effects in my life. I command the spirit of rejection to come out of me now in the name of Jesus. I renounce rejection from people, friends, parents, and family. In Jesus name, I command the spirit of self-rejection to leave me. I receive acceptance from you, Lord, knowing you are my Father and you love me.

I command every demon that attacks my physical body to leave me. In Jesus’ name, I break the power of illness, disorder, and infirmity and I apply the blood of Jesus to these ailments. I command spirits of infirmity to leave me.

I forgive everyone who has offended me and ask you to bless and save them. Commanding every spirit assigned to my unforgiveness to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. I command the spirits of resentment, bitterness, and hatred to leave me in Jesus’ name. I renounce loneliness, discouragement, depression, despair, despondency, shame, defeat, hopelessness, death, suicide, heaviness, gloom, and disgust.

In the name of Jesus, I command the spirits of mental disorder, confusion, forgetfulness, mind-binding, mind-control, bipolar, double-mindedness, schizophrenia, senility, mental instability, and madness to leave me. I renounce all fear, including fear of people and germs, as well as paranoia, hallucinations, dread, anxiety, phobias, and compulsive and persistent fear.

Lord, help me to find my true personality. Help me release those who offended me and secure freedom from emotional bondages. Enable me to walk in who I really am, not a false personality. Purge and purify me, Lord. Let me grow in your abiding presence. Remove blockages and hurts from my life, and flood me with your love so I can become confident and fearless.

I break the curse of rejection from the womb and curses of illegitimacy. I revoke and denounce all rejection curses, perceived rejection, and rejection in the womb. Denouncing all inner vows and bitter root judgments and I also denounce all iniquities and negative emotions over myself and my ancestors.

We bind, paralyze, and cast out rejection and all its evil fruits. We bind witchcraft control demons and break their hold. We break all witchcraft curses going back ten generations.

Lord, I ask that you fill me with your love, joy, and peace that surpasses all understanding. Remove blockages and hurts so your love can flow through me. Heal my brokenness and that of my children. Destroy the devil’s hold on me so your love can be seen in my life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Rejection may feel insurmountable, but through prayer and God’s love, it can be overcome. By forgiving those who have hurt you and seeking healing through Christ, you can break the chains of rejection and find peace in God’s acceptance. And remember, your identity is not rooted in what other people think of you, your identity is rooted in Christ.

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