Biblical Principles in Action
The following is a small part of my testimony, starting from 2020 where my faith journey grew exponentially, after I came across a book and prayed a specific prayer but I ignored the warning in the beginning (which I am now truly glad about). I trust that it will be a blessing to you. It’s been a long road, with the Holy Spirit, building my faith brick by brick, layer upon layer – it definitely wasn’t an overnight result. As it is written in Hebrews 12:2
I was at home, trying to make my own business work. Seeking and trusting the Lord to bring me into my destiny and purpose. Fasting and praying. Believing that He will open the right doors and use me where He wanted me to make a difference. In 2022, 3 days before Easter, out of the blue, I received a call for a job interview. I did not apply anywhere, I did not update my LinkedIn profile, my Tweets or my statuses, as I was trusting the Lord to open the right doors. Long story short, they wanted me to go into the office for a face to face interview, but I was in Cape Town during the time, at my best friend’s wedding. My immediate thought was that they wouldn’t consider me for the role, as I would not be able to make the interview. However, they were willing to do an online interview. I did the interview the following day, with very little preparation, as I was busy with the wedding arrangements.
After the interview, they asked me if I would be willing to do an assignment as part of the job interview. Of course I said yes. I had nothing to loose, right? BUT, the assignment was a project that I have never done before! My first reaction was to go into panic mode. I calmed myself and asked the Holy Spirit for guidance. I completed the assignment a day later, with supernatural assistance from above! The Lord just gave me supernatural wisdom, understanding and insight, like I have never experienced before.
After I completed the assignment I submitted it to the company, and in less than an hour, they called me to ask if i would be willing to come in for a second interview. This time, face to face. I was successful not only in the job interview, but they also loved the assignment that I submitted! I had to start work the following Monday. The company’s name means: the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power.
During the first few weeks, the Holy Spirit started talking to me about first fruits. I had a lot of hesitation, and of course a lot of fear at first, like any normal person would, but I became so convicted and convinced that I GAVE AWAY MY WHOLE FIRST SALARY (Ezekiel 44:30).
Yes, my whole salary, as it came into my bank account, I transferred the full amount as a first fruit – sowing according to the Biblical principle. Now remember, in the beginning I said that this is part of a longer journey? I wouldn’t advise this to someone who has not been introduced to the Biblical principles of tithing, to directly jump in and give everything. It is a process! Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. You need to build your faith, so that you can stand on your faith and believe that the Lord will provide. God is your Source—the perfect and on-time Source for everything you could ever need or want. But, you have to receive Him as your one and only Source by faith. The Word of God will renew your mind, feed your faith, and get you where you need to be to receive the supply God has for you. For me, this was 2 year journey.
Over the following year, I flourished. The Lord gave me supernatural wisdom, favor and insight into everything that I was working on. I was the only person in my team when I started, and in less than a year, I became a team leader with 5 people in my team. It doesn’t stop here, exactly 1 year since I started working there, they DOUBLED my initial salary. Exactly double! I didn’t have to go and ask for an increase (the Lord knows I don’t know how to negotiate and ask for an increase.) He sent people who didn’t even like me that much, to petition the boss and convince him that I deserve an increase (Psalms 23:5-6).
So what is the point of all of this?
Biblical Principles work!
- Tithing works – Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
- Fasting works – Psalm 35:13 King David said, “I humble myself through fasting”
- Prayer works – Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”.
- First fruits will be rewarded – Proverbs 3:9: “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops…”
- Faith will be rewarded – Hebrews 11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that he exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.”
If the Lord can do it for me, He can certainly do it for you! If you feel like you don’t have enough faith yet, ask Him to give you faith, I promise you that He will. After all, He is the author and the finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:12).
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